11th Computer Science CBSE JAC

11th JAC Computer Science Question Paper 2022

11th JAC Computer Science Question Paper 2022
Written by AIPS



Choose the correct alternative for the following:                    1*40=40

Term II Examination

Section A                                    2*5=10

1. Who developed C++, where and when?

Ans:- B Jarne Stroustrup at AT & T Bell Laboratory in USA in 1980.

2. Define Token.

Ans:- The Smallest individual unit of C++ Program is called Token.

3. Which header file will be required for the following built –in function?

4. What data types would you use to represent the following terms?

     i) The average marks in a class

Ans:- float

     ii) The number of students in a class

Ans:- int

    iii) Name of a Student

Ans:- char ar[10]

    iv)The population of a city

Ans:- long

5. What will be the result of the following expressions when A=10?

     i) X=++A*3

Ans:- 33

    ii) X=A++ *5+2

Ans:- 52

6. Give any two examples of derived data type.

Ans:- Array,Pointer

7. What will be the output of the following C++ code fragment ?

     for(int I=1; I<=10; I+=3)


    cout<< I<<”\n”;







                                  Section B                                                     3*5=15

8. Differentiate between keyword and identifier.

Ans: – Differences Between keyword and Identifier

Keywords:- It is a Reserve word that has fixed meaning that meaning can’t be changed. Example char , int , float ,long ,if , else , for, while etc…

Identifier:- It is a user defined word. like variable name,Array name, function name, class name etc

9.What are fundamental and derived data types ? Explain with example.

10.What is structure ? Give suitable example.

11.What do you mean by unary, binary and ternary operators ? Explain by giving example.

12. Differentiate between while and do while loops.


While Loop

It’s is Entry control Loop. It executes its body when specified condition is true.


while(test condition)


//body of the loop


do -while loop

While Loop It’s is Exit control Loop. It executes its body at least once whether specified condition is true or false.




//body of the loop

}while(test condition);

13.Name the jump statements provided by C++. Explain about any two.

14. Write the purpose of the following functions:

     a) pow( )

    b) isalpha( )

    c) strcmp( )

   Section C                                                     5*3=15

15.What are literals in C++ ? How many types of literals are allowed in C++ ?

16. Explain any two of the following with reference to C++:

   i) Selection statement

   ii) Iteration statement

17. Write a program in C++ to find the sum of the following series:

     Sum= 1+3+5+………………N

18. Write a program in C++ to print the multiplication table of N.

19. Explain switch statement with syntax and example.

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Arrays in C++ Programming Language

Functions in C++ Programming Language

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