12th Computer Science BCA CBSE JAC

Stack Data structure in C++(Introduction, Algorithm, Program)

Stack Data structure in C++(Introduction, Algorithm, Program)
Written by AIPS

What is STACK ?

  • Stack is a liner data structure.it means elements in this data structure have a unique predecessor and a unique successor.
  • Stack follows Last In First Out (LIFO) technique.
  • Initial value of Top is -1 which is known as centennial value.
  • When new Element is inserted then top is incremented by one and this term is known as PUSH.
  • When  an element is deleted then top is decremented by one and this term is known as POP.
  • When there is no space for inserting new element and we try to insert then what situations comes known as stack overflow i.e no space for insertion.
  • When there is no element in stack and we try to delete then what situations comes known as stack underflow i.e no element for deletion.
  • When stack is full then top will be at size-1.
  • Stack can be represented or implemented in two ways.
  • Stack as an array
  • Stack as a linked list

Algorithm: PUSH Operation on Stack

Step 1: If Top=Max-1

Print “Overflow : Stack is full” and Exit

End If

Step 2: Top=Top+1

Step 3: Stack[TOP]=Element

Step 4: End

Algorithm: POP Operation on Stack

Step 1: If TOP=-1

Print “Underflow: Stack is empty” and Exit

End if

Step 2: Set Del_element=Stack[Top]

Step 3: Top=Top-1

Step 4: Return Del_Element

Step 5: End

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